Community Groups>
Community Groups
Centre Hastings has a diverse range of community groups available in all sectors to support and assist citizens of this municipality.
Are you looking for information on community services? There are so many great organizations that provide a wide variety of services to the community.
Please select a category below to learn more
Alzheimer Society
To alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer’s and related diseases and to promote the search for causes, treatments and a cure. For further information please contact: Darlene Jackson
(613)962-0892 |
Anchor of Hope Pregnancy & Family Care Centre
Anchor of Hope is a locally organized and funded non-profit Christian agency. It is governed by a local Board of Directors and managed by a director and staff who carry out the activities of the Centre, with the help of well-trained volunteer staff, in a confidential setting. We have been caring for women, men, youth and families for over 15 years. We are a satellite centre of the Belleville Pregnancy & Family Care centre. Visit for more information.
Community Care for Central Hastings
We are a non-profit volunteer supported agency serving both seniors and adults with physical disabilities. We provide programs and services that enable our clients to be independent in their homes. For more information visit:
Community Living – Madoc C.O.P.E
Madoc C.O.P.E is a registered charitable organization that offers programs, services, and supports for individuals with a developmental disability. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities through community participation and the promotion of independence. Likewise, our vision is to see individuals being supported in a community where everyone is valued as being equal and treated with dignity and respect.(613)473-4158 | | Executive Director: Christine Spencer –
Central Hastings Support Network (CHSN)
CHSN is a registered non-profit corporation that delivers programs for the benefit of the Central Hastings Community. Programs are developed to meet the needs of people suffering from a lack of adequate resources, poverty, age, disability or a vulnerability that impedes their participation in the community. Services include transportation, food bank assistance and more. For more information contact: or call (613)473-5255
Dedicated to providing safe places for youth. Please visit: or contact Colleen McAllister
(613)242-1125 |
Heart of Hastings Hospice
The Heart of Hastings Hospice is a community-based, volunteer organization dedicated to meeting the needs of individuals and their families who are facing the terminal phase of their illness, and the grief and bereavement period. The Heart of Hastings Hospice will assist these people to remain in their home longer and support those wishing to die at home or in the Heart of Hastings Hospice House. For more information visit:
Helping Hands Food Bank
In collaboration with the Central Hastings Support Network.
(613)473-9035 |
O.P.P. Citizen Self Reporting (CSR)
The Citizen Self Reporting (CSR) is an internet-based reporting system, as an alternate means of reporting non-emergency incidents to police from the traditional phone call to a Communications Centre. To access this website please click here: Citizen Self Reporting
Madoc and District Chamber of Commerce
The Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit volunteer based organization working for our members. Each member has a unique business application and we strive to represent and support them. We work with big and small businesses, local government and community groups to initiate programs and coordinate efforts to improve the economic well-being of the whole community. For more information visit:
Madoc Business Improvement Team
The Madoc Business Improvement Team is a volunteer community organization, working together with local businesses, residents and council to revitalize downtown Madoc and foster community pride. For more information visit:
Community Care Access Centre – 613-966-3530
Victorian Order of Nurses – 1-888-279-4866
Red Cross – 613-966-0730
Central Hastings Lodge
138 Durham Street South, PO Box 185
Wayne Hagerman
Kiwanis Club
President: Jim Chamberlain
Madoc Legion
Madoc Lions
Madoc Off Leash Dog Park Association
Visit them on facebook for more information:
Moira Lake Property Owners Association
Bruce Lee Hockey
Harold Bailey
Minor Hockey
John Croskery
Josh Moore
Men’s Hockey Thursday
Brian Smith
Ladies Hockey & Mixed League
Jen Empey
Public Skating
Gordon Dubeau
613-473-4206 |
Centre Hastings Skating Programs
Patti Lynn Davis
613-473-4206 |

Centre Hastings Badminton Club
The Centre Hastings Badminton Club was founded on January 12, 2006 by Terry Mandzy who continues to play today and is the club’s president and contact person. The club belongs to the Central Ontario Badminton Association (COBA) and the Ontario Badminton Association (OBA) and has a friendly relationship with the Belleville Badminton Club. The club is non-profit with fees set to cover insurance, rental of gyms, birds, nets, and maintenance of club racquets. Find more information here:

Centre Hastings Snowmobile Club, Madoc |
For more information visit here:

Euchre/Bid Euchre
A great time getting out and playing cards
Donna Love

Slow Pitch
Stuart Kerby
613-473-4388 |
Minor Ball
Dave Reid

Through the Lens Camera Club
Len Holmes

Municipality of
Centre Hastings
7 Furnace Street,
PO Box 900,
Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
Phone: 613-473-4030